Factors to consider in product packaging design

  1. The performance of the product itself

The performance of the product itself mainly includes the product’s appearance, physical state, strength, structure, weight, value, danger, etc. This is the first issue that should be considered when packaging.

①Product shape: mainly square, cylindrical, polygonal, special shape, etc. The packaging should be designed according to the characteristics of the product shape, and the packaging should be small in size, well fixed, stable in storage, and meet standardization requirements.

② Product physical state: mainly solid, liquid, gaseous, mixed, etc. Different physical states have different packaging containers.

③Product strength: For products with low strength and susceptibility to damage, the protective performance of the package should be fully considered, and there should be obvious marks on the outside of the package.

④ Product structure: different products often have different structures, some are not pressure resistant, and some are afraid of impact. Only by fully understanding the structure of the product can we properly package different products.

⑤ Product weight: For heavy products, pay special attention to the strength of the packaging to ensure that it is not damaged in circulation.

⑥Product value: Different products have great differences in value, and the higher value should be given special consideration.

⑦ Product hazard: For flammable, explosive, toxic and other dangerous products, to ensure safety, there should be precautions and specific marks on the outside of the package.

  1. Differences in product packaging methods

The choice of packaging methods is very important for product protection. Only by fully understanding product performance and circulation conditions, formulating several plans, and conducting economic evaluations can a suitable packaging method be found.

The outer packaging of the product is embodied in two aspects:

①Choose the packaging method. According to the requirements of product protection strength, easy to use, convenient for mechanical loading and unloading and transportation, choose the appropriate packaging technology and packaging method.

②Choose packaging materials. Choose suitable packaging materials to make packaging containers according to product performance, and choose appropriate accessory packaging materials to pack the product.

  1. The impact of natural environment on product packaging

①Transportation conditions: The product will be affected by shocks, vibrations, etc. during transportation, and different transportation vehicles have different effects on packaging. Mainly should consider product fixation and cushioning.

② Loading and unloading conditions: manual loading and unloading or mechanical loading and unloading, and the number of loading and unloading conditions should be considered.

③Storage conditions: stacking is used for storage, and its compressive strength should be examined for packaging. In addition, storage is divided into indoor storage and outdoor storage. The former should be protected from moisture, mildew, and water; the latter should be protected from rain, snow, sunlight, and wind.

④ Meteorological conditions: mainly include sunlight, temperature, humidity, rain, snow and air, etc., which have different effects on different products, which need to be considered separately for different meteorological conditions.


The above is to analyze the factors that affect the product packaging design from the general directions of product performance, packaging methods and natural conditions. In addition, you can also start from the packaging design direction and analyze through text, graphics, color and other aspects.

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